2015년 11월 17일 화요일

Heroes: Hero Menu

Heroes are essential to playing LOH – it’s called Legion of Heroes after all.
We'll be looking at the basics on Heroes through our "Heroes" section in this Beginner's Guide.
Here, we'll have a basic introduction on the Hero menu.

Accessing your Hero Menu

You’ll be able to view more details about your hero from the [Heroes] menu.

1) Tap on the [Heroes] icon

Upon tapping the [Heroes] menu, the main Hero menu will open.

Main Hero Menu 

01. Hero Info Mini Bar

Here, you can see:

- Your Hero’s level (letter in light green; indicating current level/ max level)
- Your Hero’s EXP (the yellow bar – when it fills up, your hero goes up a level)
- Your Hero's weapon (grey icons).

You can also choose to dislodge your Hero from your legion by tapping on the [X] mark icon.

02. Detailed Hero guide icon

By tapping on the magnifying glass icon, you can view details of your Hero including the following:

- Base Stats 
- History 
- Full-action video 

Tapping on the icon will display a screen looking something like this:

In the yellow box on the upper right, you can see the Base Stats of your hero.

You can also adjust the Initiative of your hero by moving around the bar in the base of the dialogue box.
The initiative means that you’ll have a better chance to act first and use skills in auto-battle.

However, if you check the [Always Use Skills] checkbox, you’ll use skills regardless of your initiative levels.
So it might be a good idea to put a checkbox on your most powerful heroes for auto-battles.

03. Hero Stats

You can view your hero stats here, including:

- Initiative
- Hero Trait 
- HP 
- Attack
- Defense/ M. Defense 
- Rank EXP

04. Hero Skill info

Tap on the Skill button to view a more detailed guide on your Hero’s skill.

Skills can be activated by using Fury, which will be collected by attacking or receiving attacks during battle (although some Heroes can steal Fury from their opponents through skills).

From the Upgrade Skill window, you can spend gold to upgrade the level of your Hero’s skills to make them more powerful.

05. Equipment

The icons to the left of your Hero menu represent the equipment your hero is currently equipped with.

Tap on the equipment icon to get detailed information on the equipment or to unequip/ change/ reinforce the item.

Changing Formation/ Leaders

From the [Heroes] tab, you can also change the formation (the position of your heroes) of your legion, and also change your leader (representing character or, the character that moves around your screen while you’re playing the game.)

Changing Formations

1) Tap on the [Heroes] icon

2) From the [Heroes] menu, tap on the [Change Formation] icon.

3) Tap on a Hero you’d like to move – a selected Hero will be highlighted in bright blue. (In this case, the lovely Lacita).

6) Tap on the area you’d like to move your Hero.
If another Hero is already there, they will switch places with your selected Hero.

7) Tap [Apply] to save your formation. This will be your default formation for your battles.

Changing Leaders

1) Tap on the [Heroes] icon.

2) From the [Heroes] menu, tap on a Hero you’d like to have as your leader.

3) Tap [Change Leader]

4) A Change Leader animation will shortly play, and your leader will change to your selected hero.

Keep in mind that you’ll only be able to assign one of the heroes you have as your leader.

LOL! Go to Getting Started(link) to get the Real Coupon. (Not JK we promise.) 

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